3 Things I Use To Lose Weight Weekly

  • No more
    Ready Meals

This also includes visiting Fast Food joints. No matter how savvy you think you are, you will seldom uncover all the ingredients that go into a ready meal. Ready meals are loaded with loads of unhealthy food products, that simply add fat to your waistline and in turn, add pounds to your body weight. Unfortunately, manufacturers have gone out of their way to make them really tasty and quick to prepare. In this busy world, it’s far too easy to turn to one of these meals, so your body will thank you if you resist.

  • Eat
    Healthy Food

Contrary to belief, you do not need to crash diet to lose weight. I eat 3 meals a day, though I do watch what I eat and where food is packaged, I look at the Sugar, Fat and Salt content and do not select a product that has a high percentage and also keep my calorie count down.

However, you have to check that the percentage is low, rather than take a product that claims to be low, because many of these claims mask the high percentage of another harmful ingredient, so always check first. Even Fresh Fruit and Vegetables have a sugar content so be aware of this before you shop and you will lose weight.

  • Do Drinks
    Affect My Weight Loss

Very much so. Fizzy drinks and Energy drinks are a big “NO”. The sugar content is very damaging to your health and quickly piles on the pounds. Ideally, tap water is your best answer, though in many areas the taste is not good, so filtered water is the answer. Your bottled variety should only be a substitute, if consumed in a day or two and never left in the car, since it can absorb the plastic from the bottle.

As for alcohol consumption, if you can totally abstain, so much the better, but as a treat say once a week, then 1 unit is something to look forward to, for many. Why, because all alcohol contains sugar and this will just ruin all your hard work, to lose weight.

P.S. I have deliberately left out “Exercise”, as this is essential to help lose weight AND keep the unwanted weight at bay. There are other posts here that deal with exercise and I’ll be covering this in future posts.

I can recommend this programme to speed up your weight-loss:-


Stay Healthy


The Secret To A Flat Belly
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