Before you begin to analyse ‘which foods do what’, it’s essential to understand what can affect your body and why.
Genes can affect your body, if obesity is in your DNA and hormonal imbalance can lead to belly fat collecting. Another factor to take into account, is are you stressed for any reason, or are you not having a regular sleep pattern.
Then there are those types of food to avoid like sugary foods and drink and in particular, alcohol related drinks definitely increase your body fat content.
Unhealthy fats, called trans fats, will normally increase your body fat, then there’s low carbohydrate or protein intake is healthy, when in fact you need exactly the opposite, to achieve body fat loss.
Have you got the wrong bacteria in your gut, possibly from fried and processed food. You should take low-sugar yoghurt or probiotic drinks to change it to good bacteria and lose the fat.
These foods work :-
- Whole Grains, like brown rice, quinoa & millet, all very satisfying.
- Oatmeal, very good for your digestion, can reduce fat levels, but must have no flavour, to work well.
- Vegetables such as broccoli, kale, spinach and turnips, rich in good fibre and minerals.
- Pulses are low in fat and calories, full of protein and improves body functions.
- Mushrooms a good source of vitamin D to control obesity. A favourite is mushroom soup, not processed, that is very satisfying.
- Legumes & Beans are nourishing and filling, so they prevent you overeating and are also full of fibre, protein and minerals.
- Dairy products are most nutritious and filling and will keep you going for longer periods.
- Fruit, particularly raspberries, blackcurrants, bilberries, strawberries, blueberries and apricots.
- Almonds full of omega 3, and contain lots of protein and healthy fat to keep you feeling full.
- Soup, particularly mushroom, chicken and vegetable clear soup will fill you up and stop you want larger portions for main meals, which would increase your calorie intake and add to your belly fat.
- Eggs are a good source of protein. Two eggs for breakfast will be really beneficial to reducing that stomach fat content, make you feel full and stop snacking, help with weight loss and keep those hunger pangs away.
- Yoghurt, great for your digestion, replacing your bad bacteria with good bacteria, always good to have with so many foods. Greek yoghurt really has health benefits.
- Broccoli good for ridding your body of toxins, reducing your chance of getting cancer through obesity and great for burning that unwanted fat away.
- Chilli Peppers are good for burning the fat away, by increasing your metabolic rate and therefore good for weight loss too.
- Coconut oil reduces bad blood cholesterol, improves immunity and digestion and helps to keep you feeling full.
This is a fairly comprehensive list, but there are other types of food that can also be beneficial to losing weight and unwanted belly fat.
There’s also a lot to be said for willpower. There are a lot of foods that are just no good for you, so if you stick with them, expect to pile on the pounds.
Here’s to healthy eating!