Foods that burn off your belly fat

Before you begin to analyse ‘which foods do what’, it’s essential to understand what can affect your body and why.

Genes can affect your body, if obesity is in your DNA and hormonal imbalance can lead to belly fat collecting. Another factor to take into account, is are you stressed for any reason, or are you not having a regular sleep pattern.

Then there are those types of food to avoid like sugary foods and drink and in particular, alcohol related drinks definitely increase your body fat content.

Unhealthy fats, called trans fats, will normally increase your body fat, then there’s low carbohydrate or protein intake is healthy, when in fact you need exactly the opposite, to achieve body fat loss.

Have you got the wrong bacteria in your gut, possibly from fried and processed food. You should take low-sugar yoghurt or probiotic drinks to change it to good bacteria and lose the fat.

These foods work :-

  • Whole Grains, like brown rice, quinoa & millet, all very satisfying.
  • Oatmeal, very good for your digestion, can reduce fat levels, but must have no flavour, to work well.
  • Vegetables such as broccoli, kale, spinach and turnips, rich in good fibre and minerals.
  • Pulses are low in fat and calories, full of protein and improves body functions.
  • Mushrooms a good source of vitamin D to control obesity. A favourite is mushroom soup, not processed, that is very satisfying.
  • Legumes & Beans are nourishing and filling, so they prevent you overeating and are also full of fibre, protein and minerals.
  • Dairy products are most nutritious and filling and will keep you going for longer periods.
  • Fruit, particularly raspberries, blackcurrants, bilberries, strawberries, blueberries and apricots.
  • Almonds full of omega 3, and contain lots of protein and healthy fat to keep you feeling full.
  • Soup, particularly mushroom, chicken and vegetable clear soup will fill you up and stop you want larger portions for main meals, which would increase your calorie intake and add to your belly fat.
  • Eggs are a good source of protein. Two eggs for breakfast will be really beneficial to reducing that stomach fat content, make you feel full and stop snacking, help with weight loss and keep those hunger pangs away.
  • Yoghurt, great for your digestion, replacing your bad bacteria with good bacteria, always good to have with so many foods. Greek yoghurt really has health benefits.
  • Broccoli good for ridding your body of toxins, reducing your chance of getting cancer through obesity and great for burning that unwanted fat away.
  • Chilli Peppers are good for burning the fat away, by increasing your metabolic rate and therefore good for weight loss too.
  • Coconut oil reduces bad blood cholesterol, improves immunity and digestion and helps to keep you feeling full.

This is a fairly comprehensive list, but there are other types of food that can also be beneficial to losing weight and unwanted belly fat.

There’s also a lot to be said for willpower. There are a lot of foods that are just no good for you, so if you stick with them, expect to pile on the pounds.

Here’s to healthy eating!

Slim Down

Tips that work:

  • Much of the losing weight syndrome is down to keeping your metabolism high rather than low. Particularly, don’t skip any meals and if your metabolism drops, you’ll want to overeat.
  • Balance your food intake with equal amounts of protein and carbs and more vegetables and fruit.
  • Always have a good, healthy breakfast. Eggs are a good standby as are fibre filled cereals with fresh fruit, milk and sugar-free yoghurt.
  • Cut out white bread, cake, sugary biscuits and all sweets.
  • Choose your meat carefully, especially beef, buy lean cuts.
  • Get those portion sizes right. Don’t load your plate. You need to weigh yourself and find out your recommended calorie intake per day per weight.
  • Healthy sleep is at least 8 hours per night and less than this will affect your hormonal balance and in turn your appetite.
  • Vary your meals, change your daily selections to keep food interesting and your metabolism positive. Try and keep to 3 meals a day and keep them evenly spaced, with the evening meal no later than 7pm.
  • You need to exercise to keep on top of your weight, but do not overeat after exercising, or all your hard work will go straight on your middle.
  • Keep away from those ready meals and sugar-loaded fizzy drinks. Rather, treat yourself to a healthy meal out, which will be an event to look forward to and keep that fat away.


You do need to physically exercise every day, though this doesn’t have to be an intense workout. Ideally you should do one day of a physical workout and one day of rest, to let your body adjust.

You do not need to go to your local gym either, but usually you can do a well-balanced workout in a 1 hour period. Ideally, working through areas of your body, start with the legs, then on to an arm and upper body, next to thighs, upper thighs and trunk, then abdominal exercise, which will tighten up your middle muscles and finally relaxation and stretching exercises.

We have put a link at the bottom of Maximum Workout, that are workout exercises that are done in 10 minute slots, all of which include your whole body and I can recommend this as being very beneficial and possible to do.

Also mentioned in this blog is a more intense gym workout, where it has been proved that to alternate the pace from rapid to slower will have quicker results.

We have found that a Mediterranean type of food diet really works and is very tasty and in our next blog, will include a selection of these type of recipes, with recommended portion size, preparation and cooking instructions.

Should you have any questions, please go to Contacts and we will reply within 24 hours.

Maximum Workout

                                             Exercise & Training

The accepted way to lose fat is by cardio(cardiovascular) exercising, but you need to exercise for a minimum of 240 minutes to lose a significant amount of weight, whether it be swimming, running, dancing, cycling or hiking the popular exercise to burn calories.

Short bursts or interval training done during two to three workouts each week, with high intensity for two minutes, then the same period at a more moderate pace. Not only will this improve your fitness levels, but it will increase your body’s fat burning capability.

As your body loses weight and you become fitter, repetitions of an exercise are doable, so with weights ad 5% to 10% additional weight and extra sets. To work your body change from dumbbells to machines and vice-versa, while trying different moves to achieve further results.

With weight loss, it’s not so much the food you eat, it’s the calories you burn rather than the intake of calories.

Even though you may be using more fat as energy, this doesn’t mean you are burning more calories. Although low intensity exercise is more comfortable to work with, it will not burn more fat off your body, unless you happen to be burning more calories off than you are eating.

This is why your exercise will benefit your fat burn off if it is high intensity or short bursts coupled with interval training. Twenty minutes at high intensity is usually enough for most people or interval training of hard exercise, such as running for up to 60 seconds then walking for 2 minutes, in segments will build up this beneficial exercise.

What is popular is moderate intensity training which makes a more consistant workout.

This modest movement can improve your fitness and give you better health and lower the risk of high blood pressure and the chance of heart disease and diabetes.

So, the more intense the excersise the more calories you should burn, but for those who don’t care to go for a run or down the Gym or even swimming, how about a workout in the garden, as gardening at a pace can work.

Regular exercise will help you with your weight and with this increased activity, you’ll burn more calories and in turn lose weight.

A total body workout at least twice a week  allowing one day in between to let your body re-adjust. To start with, this programme hits the right spot:

Too Much Bulk?

The scientific way to losing that belly fat.

  1. Stop eating sugar and
    especially those sugary drinks.
  2. Increase your protein
    intake is a great long-term strategy to reduce that belly fat.
  3. Cut out carbohydrates from
    your diet.
  4. Make sure you eat foods
    rich in viscous fibre.
  5. Drink plenty of water to
    help with breaking down your fibre intake.
  6. Be strict with you
    exercise routine, as regular exercise will help remove that fat.
  7. This is vital, keep a
    record of your food and watch your calorie intake and those portion sizes.

Increasing your viscous fibre intake needs to be done gradually, to prevent stomach cramps. These are all plant-based foods, particularly brussels sprouts, sweet potatoes, asparagus, turnips, legumes, oat bran and barley, also the fruits, oranges, mangoes and apricots.

Try and drink plenty of water, at least 6-8 glasses per day and make sure you exercise each day.

It is all these combinations that will help to lose that unwanted belly fat.

Adiponectin is your fat burning hormone and its worth noting that Green Tea increases Adiponectin levels.

What are the contras in food. Well for a start All processed foods are a BIG NO.

Equally, avoid these foods at all costs:

  • Concentrated orange juice and all sugary fruit
  • Margarine (This is full of polyunsaturated
    fats, that have been shown to cause health problems when ingested.)
  • Diet-free yoghurts with high sugar levels,
    especially the processed varieties.
  • Whole wheat Bread (contains gluten that some
    can not digest and leads to side effects, so to be avoided)
  • Processed Soy ( more than 90% in the US is
    genetically modified, so only organic)
  • GM Corn ( Once again genetically modified
    product suggest potential
    kidney and liver problems as well as negative effects on the heart, adrenal
    glands, and spleen.)

 Beneficial protein choices include eggs, low-fat dairy, fish and shellfish, white-meat poultry and lean beef.

Avocado, sliced peppers, onions, pak choi and chilli, low-fat Greek yoghurt, broccoli and snap peas add variety to your diet.

In the next blog, we will cover recommended exercise and how it affects the body.

Have you tried an effective workout, look no further:

To your success, John

About the Author

Welcome to: The Secret To A Flat Belly. My name is John Chapman and here at we are dedicated to helping anyone who is struggling to stop fat storage and recover that lean belly, while feeling healthier and happier. If you persevere with your recommended programme and follow the advice given, your life will change for the better.

The Secret To A Flat Belly
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