Where to Begin?

It’s just a minefield, I mean where to start? There’s just so much information out there, but how do I know where to start? How do I stop fat storage?

There’s one thing certain, I’m carrying a large roll of fat around my middle, that has just crept up on me and I dearly want to get rid of it. I’m not at the liposuction stage, but if you were to ask me whether I could grab an inch of flesh around my waist, I’d have to say YES! So how do I get back a lean, flat belly again?

I’ve always been wary of these fast-fix diets, especially since many of those I’ve known who have tried them, ended up putting the weight back on again once they stopped. Further, there have been many diets, mainly in the form of pills, that have done more harm than good.

To be honest, I’ve avoided all those heavily advertised fizzy drinks, laid off the booze, apart from the odd glass of red wine, kept out of fast food outlets and cut back on sweet desserts, which definitely has helped to bring on this flab, since I used to love sweet things.

I have never been one to sit about and have always been keen on exercise, yet for some reason this has not been enough. So, I tried eating smaller helpings, cut right back on desserts, and made sure I exercised every day and felt fitter and more alert for it.

Yet this extra layer refused to budge, so what was I doing wrong? Luckily, there is a lot of attention being given to health, overweight and healthy eating at present and the medical profession has gone into it in a big way.

Can you relate to this, as it is becoming more and more common, so what to do?

Turns out that many of us are eating our food the wrong way, or to put it another way not balancing protein intake with carbohydrates and not giving those food items that are no good for us, a BIG miss.

I’ll be going into this in my next blog, The Big Burn Off, where I’ll reveal the real secret of how to lose that mid-drift bulge and the best way to go about it.


The Secret To A Flat Belly
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